Collection of Information:
Cookies store data on the user's computer and are commonly used by many of the websites that you visit day-to-day. When you have clicked on our website through a search engine we cannot control whether the search engine places a temporary cookie on your computer. However, this website uses no cookies.
When you e-mail Dr. Maclean through the contact form, there are certain pieces of information that you must provide in order for the form to send a message. These include your name and e-mail address, which is used to contact you.
Information Usage and Ownership:
Dr. Maclean is the sole owner and user of information collected from this website and at no time will any information be provided to a third party without your direction and consent.
Information Sharing and Confidentiality Limitations:
Information will only be shared with your permission and only to persons or organizations for which you have provided your consent. The sharing of information will only be for the purpose of providing assessment services.
Although every effort is made to preserve your privacy and confidentiality, some information must be shared when required by law. Information gathered from the contact form will be disclosed as necessary if there is an imminent risk of harm to yourself or someone else, if you disclose harm or potential harm to a child or dependent (i.e., abuse, neglect), or if records are subpoenaed by the court.
Dr. Maclean is not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites or agencies. Please refer to their privacy policies in this regard.
Please note that the contact form is sent through e-mail and that despite efforts to maintain privacy this form of communication is somewhat limited with regard to privacy. Please limit the degree of sensitive information provided on the contact form to that which is necessary.
These privacy statements apply to information collected from this website only and do not pertain to information collected during the course of subsequent telephone contact for the purposes of setting up services. Neither does this privacy policy concern information collected within the context of services provided by a psychologist. Please note that we are bound by an ethical obligation to maintain privacy and confidentiality and make every effort to do so within legal boundaries. As such, many of the above practices are similar within the context of providing services, though additional steps are taken to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of information. Statements regarding privacy and confidentiality within the context of such services are available at any time by consulting the College of Psychologists of British Columbia and Alberta College of Psychologists.
Any amendments or changes to Dr. Maclean's website privacy practices will be posted on this site and will only pertain to information collected subsequent to being posted.

Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment Services