An assessment referral usually comes from a third party (e.g., lawyer, adjuster, case manager). If you are involved in an insurance claim or legal proceedings and believe you require an assessment please contact your insurance or legal representative.
Neuropsychologists have training and experience with neuroanatomical basis of cognition, emotion, and behavior as well as understanding development and learning. Additionally, neuropsychologist are trained in psychometrics, including test development and statistics. This expert knowledge is applied to the assessment of an individual to determine cognitive, emotional, and behavioral impairment and to make recommendations for treatment as well as provide an opinion on cause, prognosis, and persisting limitations.
A psychologist's opinion can provide important information in some cases, such as when a person sustained a psychological injury (e.g., Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) or physical injury resulting in cognitive impairment or chronic pain (e.g., moderate brain injury). An assessment of psychological, personality, or neuropsychological functioning can help determine the prudent course of action (e.g., Section B). This is particularly important when an individual has not shown improvement despite receiving treatment. Dr. Maclean is able to provide the following assessments:

Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment Services